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Speech and Writing

Half the world is composed of people who have something to say and can't, and the other half who have nothing to say and keep on saying it.
                 By Robert Frost

The two uses of English  is speech and writing. this is the important tools that will lead us in our journey towards better English.Most likely we are studying it in order to write better. Perhaps you could not care less about speaking if fluently because you probably believe that writing is more important than speech.The most common mistaken beliefs about language.It may have arisen because writing is generally more permanent and stable than speech.considering writing as a symbol of intelligence and of civilization. human beings have recorded their literary,artistic,scientific,technological and other achievements through writing.However,aside from the fact that speech is uttered and heard while writing is written and read,there are some differences between that would show that speech,not writing, is basic to language.
While the  rules on grammar tend to be stricter and more formal in writing than in speech,do not disregard these rules when you communicate through speech.After all,the main goal of having rules on grammar(and studying them)is for you to be better understood - and you want to be understood by speaking as well by writing.

Handling a better english grammar

Like most people who want to improve their command of English,you wan to enhance your language skills so that you can convey your ideas. To communicate effectively in this global language. you should be understood by your readers or listeners. This is why you should study the rules of English.

     A description of the generally accepted rules of a language is called grammar .In Enlish you can form any statement by combining several thoughts with words like and,but,or and so on. Got some Example here just read and analyze:

            This is the dog that bit the girl who ate the cake that was baked by Marie who lives in the house that was built by Ernest who bougth the ring that Susan saw in the jewelry store that is owned by Mrs.Diaz who hates listening to the radio because it reminds her of Mr.Diaz who died in the war that was started by the Germans,and .....

     See without rules, the statement could be continued endlessly,and that would result in misunderstanding.what is the sentence trying to say,anyway?
          You will learn the essentials of English grammar and usage some through this blog.This is a comprehensive and reader-friendly reference that you can study anytime,anywhere.It will help you fulfill your goal of expressing your ideas clearly and confidently. 


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