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Some non-verbal signals in reading comprehension

Some non-verbal signal are when the meaning of a text is not only conveyed by means of words.sometimes in a form of different fornts,bold print,underling or italics.
See the picture below
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The meaning of these style features may vary depending on each text.examine the picture above it may be used to emphasize a word;in another,italics my be used to indicate subtitles.

What is reading comprehension?

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What is reading comprehension?It means understanding thoroughly what you is not enough that you know the meaning of individual words,though;the answer is not by taking the safe route in reading but by developing skills in reading comprehension.

One Ways of reading Effectively

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One way of reading effectively means absorbing the most number of ideas in the shortest possible time.It also means choosing your reading materials carefully and being anlytical of those that you read as to their contents and the manner in which they were written.There are several ways of getting an overview of a reading material.

1.  Look on the front cover,the graphics or pictures, the blurb on the back cover,the number or pages,the  length of the chapters,and style presentation.

2. Some background of publication date,foreword,an introduction and information about the author.
3. Identify the key points covered,looking at the table of contents,index,and chapter headings.

Becoming proficient in english language only if you make reading as a habit.

Listening to those who speak native english

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One of the easiest ways to learn correct english is by listening to those who speak the language fluently.Chances are,if you are studying English as a second or third language,you will be around people who are similarly situated,that is,people who are not native english speakers themselves.
What you should do about this? reading is one of the most effective ways of improving your command of the language.
By reading english language material you can gain
1.You will learn new words,idiomatic expressions or figurative phrases.
2.You will familiarize with the,how words can be grouped together to form sentences,paragraphs,and the whole compositions.
3. You will find that your getting out of your comfort zone by the pieces of information that you acquire by reading

How skimming and scanning a book,a reading technique

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Skimming it gives you such general information.
Before you read a book,or any written material in detail,take a moment to go over reading quickly without pausing to study the fine doesn't mean you are reading it without understanding .
Try  understanding it quickly looking at
1.  The type of text you are reading - is it a short story?,or an essay?or a novel?
2.  The kind of audience the writer are trying to reach out - is it for business,student,politician.
3.  The purpose of the author - is the author trying to entertain the intended readers,or teach there audience.
4.  The General contents of the text - is it about the national georaphic?,self development,or some basic steps in conduction a certain process?

Scanning is when you are already having skimmed the text,study in detail,by reading it more carefully and looking for the particular pieces of information that you are interested in.

Employ your time in improving yourself

Employ your time in improving yourself by other men's writings,so you shall come easily by what others have labored for by Socrates

One of the best ways of improving your English is to read as many English materials as you can get hold of. From some writings  materials that you will encounter, you will surely gain basic knowledge of English and its practical applications.You can also encounter new - and more - words to enhance your vocabulary.Reading habitually is a good way to advance your appreciation and understanding of English.

Food for thought 
     I believe that every English poet should read the english classics,master the rules of grammar before he attempts to bend or break them.... by robert Graves.


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