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Some sentences express a complete thought even though they contain just a subject and a verb,for example,nhorine wept.However,other sentences need other words in order for their meaning to be clear, for example,    The clothes cost.
These sentences,although they contain a subject and a verb,require complements in order to complete their meaning.

Kinds of Complements

1. Direct Object 
is a noun,pronoun,or group of words that acts as a noun and functions as a receiver of the action in a sentence.It answers the question whom? or what? after the verb.
example            The OFW bought shares of stock.
2. Indirect Object 
is a noun or pronoun that appears with a direct object and to or for whom or what the action of the verb is performed.It answers the to whom? or for whom? or to what? or for what? after the verb and direct object.
example          The woman will teach my brother the rules of the game.
3. Objective complement
  is an adjective or noun that appears with a direct object and describes or renames it.It is the answer you get when you say the verb and direct object and ask the question what?
example             The people elected the son of a former president
4.Subject complement 
 is a noun,pronoun,or adjective that follows a linking verb and tells something about the subject.

 Two kinds of subject complements.
1.Predicate nominative 
is a noun or pronoun that appears with a linking verb and renames,identifies, or explains the subject.
example               Gale's dream date is he.
2. Predicate adjective 
 follows a linking verb and describes the subject of the sentence.
   example             My husband seems tired and impatient.

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