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It's the comparison of two  unlike things.It uses the words "like" or "as." 

                  gabriel  is as strong as hercules," Gabriel is shown to be possesing the same characteristics as one of a character in the bible,that is ,he is fierce,strong and brave.


   A cliche is a phrase,often metaphorical,that has been used so often that it has become commonplace.When an expression is called a cliche,it is considered to have become so dull that it no longer creates the vivid image that a wel-written figure of speech ought to evoke.
example              as white as a sheet
                           as light as a feather


Is a deliberate exaggeration or overstatement used for effect,Such statements are not literally true,but people make them to sound impressive or to emphasize something.
example                   I tried a thousand times
                                His feet were as big as a barge.


Is a means of expression that suggests,humorously or angrily,the opposite meaning of what the words used normally mean.
example                      His " I'm so glad you lost my wallet,kim."(This means that she isn't glad that he   lost  her wallet.)


Is a figure  of speech combining incongruous or contradictory words,usually for descriptive purposes.
example                          a little big
                                       original copy

Its a short traditional saying that is thought to express wisdom.Many traditional proverbs are considered as cliches today.
example                           A rolling stone gathers no moss.
                                        Too many cooks spoil the broth.

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