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Figure of Speech

A figure of speech also known as figurative speech is a word or group of words that contains images.Through the expressive use of language,such figure or speech can breathe life into an otherwise uninteresting written work. A figure of speech helps create clear and vivid images.Word are not used literally but are instead used to suggest an image or a comparison.
some commonly used figures of speech are metaphor,personification,and simile.

  Is a figure of speech in which a word or group of words is applied to an object or action that it does not literally stand for in order to imply a resemblance.Simple metaphors make simple comparisons,while extended metaphor treat different aspects of the things compared separately.

Simple Metaphor
 she was an apple of the eye in the company of her brothers.

extended metaphor
she was the apple,her rosy cheeks were the skin of an apple;her green eyes were the leaves.

other example of metaphor
No man is an island.
He is a leader in battle

is a figure of speech in which an animal or inanimate object is represented as having human attributes,such as human form,character,feelings ,or behavior.Ideas and abstractions can also be personified.

money talks.
this room has seen the successes and failures of a couple through the years.

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