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Its a words that have opposite meanings.
example   "happy" and "sad" are antonyms.
               I am happy because the visitors have left.
               I am sad because the visitors have left.
when the word "happy" in the first sentence is replaced by the word "sad" in the second sentence,the meaning of the statement changes. This is because the meaning of the word "sad" in "not happy" In  the second sentence,it is as if you said,"I am not happy because the visitors have left."This is the exact opposite of the what you said in the first sentence.

word                            Synonyms                     Antonyms

malicious                   mean,spiteful,                friendly,kind,
                                       hateful                        benevolent

radiant                       shining,beautiful,           sad,gloomy,
                                     charming                    pessimistic

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