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non-erroneous usages

There are usages in English grammar commonly considered to be erroneous,but are however correct.

Ending a sentence with a preposition

This is an artificial "rule"that ignores standard usage and was started years ago by a book writer.Although some people have since accepted it as a fact,it is not an erroneous usage because some sentences would sound awkward if you avoid ending them with a preposition.A witticism attributed to sir Winston churchill makes the point well:"This is the sort of English up with which i will not put".

Beginning a sentence with a conjunction

        while a sentence beginning with a conjunction can be made a clause in compound sentences,it can also be an effective tool to begin sentences with a conjunction in order to emphasize a point,such as in a persuasive essay.Always check whether a sentence beginning with a conjunction would serve its purpose better as a separate sentence or as a clause in a compound sentence.

Forward or forwards?
             although some books prefer"forward" and "toward" to "forwards" and "towards,"none of these forms is really incorrect.The only difference is that the forms without the final  s are considered more formal.

Is "none"singular or plural?
   Some grammarians insist that since "none" is derived from"no one,"it should always be singular ,as in "None of us is gettting a massage."However,in the earliest form of Engligh,"none" is most often treated as a plural."none of us are getting a massage" is acceptable usage.

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