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subject-verb agreement

In order that a subject and its verb agree,the basics principle to remember is this: a singular subject needs a singular verb, and plural subjects need plural verbs.The pronouns I and You are exceptions;they take the plural form of the verb.

singular                                      Plural
I,you  he,she,it,                         we,you,they
gabriel,gabrielle                        the kids
believe  believes                        believe
come     comes                           come

Subject-verb agreement is generally taken into account only if in the present,present perfect,present progressive, or present perfect progressive tense. The verb is made singular by adding -s or -es. The rule is different when it comes to nouns,which form plural by adding -s or es.

The verbs to be and to have may also indicate whether a verb is singular or plural. They are constructed in a different manner.

Present Tense   Singular                 Plural
                         I     you    he,          we,you,
                                         she,it       they
           to be     am    are     is           are
           to have have  have  has        have

Past Tense             singular                    plural
                          I      you     he,              we,you,
                                           she,it            they
to be                  was    were    was         were
to have               had    had      had          had

These words are considered singular and take the  singular form of the verb: anybody,anyone,each,either everybody,everyone,much,neither,no one,nobody,none,one somebody,someone.
                       everybody needs someone to love.

When the correlative conjunctions neither ....nor and either....or are used,the subject closer to the verb determines the form of the verb to be used.
                            Neither gabriel nor the boys are attending kenneth's birthday party.

These words are considered plural and take the plural form of the verb: both,few,many,several.
                           Many are called,but few are chosen.

A prepositional phrase that comes between a subject and its verb does not affect the subject-verb agreement.
                           The box of roses was bought in the nearby flower shop.
Glasses,pants,pliers,and scissors are considered plural unless the phrase pair of precedes them,in which case the word pair becomes the subject.
                            The pair of t-shirts is in the overnight bag.
Some words ending in -s are considered singular.
Some words ending in -s refer to only one thing but call for a plural verb.

                           My earnings have not increased since I started working in this company.

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